Cat Health Resources
Keep your feline friend in great shape throughout their life with our helpful resources listed below!
General Cat Health
Cornell Feline Health Center – Free, easy-to-understand videos that guide cat owners through important tasks like trimming nails, brushing teeth, administering oral medication, and more
The Indoor Cat Initiative – A resource designed by a veterinary nutritionist at Ohio State University Veterinary School, offering tips to enrich the lives of indoor cats
Veterinary Partner – A website from the Veterinary Information Network, this resource provides information on a wide range of topics about cats and other animals
Feline Diseases
Heartworm Society – Comprehensive information on heartworm disease in cats
Chronic Renal Failure – Details on this common condition in older cats (click here for another CRF resource)
Revolution – Learn about Revolution, a treatment for fleas, heartworms, ear mites, and more in cats
Hyperthyroidism – Information on this common disorder in middle-aged and older cats
Arthritis – Learn how to manage joint disease in cats
Inflammatory Bowel Disease – A guide to understanding this condition that affects mostly middle-aged and older cats
Diabetes Mellitus – Insights into feline diabetes and treatment options from Cat Friendly Homes, International Cat Care, and Cornell
Cat Behavior
Cats International – A non-profit educational website to help you better understand cat behavior
Cat Friendly Homes – A site sponsored by the Feline Veterinary Medical Association, offering resources on cat behavior and health issues
Pet Health Insurance
Pet Health Insurance – Information on pet health insurance, including owner reviews and recommendations
Toxicity & Poison Control
ASPCA Animal Poison Control – A list of common poisonous plants, foods, and household items harmful to pets
Pet Loss
Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement – Support resources for those grieving the loss of a pet, including hotline numbers and counseling
Rainbow Bridge – A heartwarming tribute site for pets who have passed away, offering support and remembrance
Veterinary Associations
American Board of Veterinary Practitioners – Learn more about veterinary board certification and its importance in ensuring the highest standard of care
American Veterinary Medical Association – A wide-ranging resource for topics in veterinary medicine, including feline health
Feline Veterinary Medical Association – The leading organization for cat care professionals, offering detailed information on feline health and best practices
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) – Accurate information on zoonotic diseases, or diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans, and how to prevent them
These links offer great educational tools to support your cat’s health and well-being. If you have specific questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for further guidance!
Or give us a call at (386) 671-0747!
Cat Health Issues
Veterinarians used to treat cats as small dogs, meaning they believed cats got the same diseases as dogs, but were just smaller versions of them. Now we know better. Cat and dog physiology is similar and thus they do share some of the same medical problems. But in many aspects cats are unique. For example, they get different heart, liver, kidney, and thyroid diseases than dogs. They also have different metabolism of many drugs and different nutritional requirements. As the saying goes, cats are not small dogs!
At Cat Care Clinic we have had extensive training in the medical and surgical problems of cats. All of the doctors’ continuing education as well as our staff training is attuned to cats, so we can concentrate on providing the best and most up-to-date care for your cat.
For more information on the following topics, please contact us.
Bladder Disease (aka Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease)
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease is a common urinary tract problem of cats that affects their bladder and urethra. Signs of this disorder are bloody urine, difficulty or pain with urination, frequent urination, and/or urinating outside of the litter box.
FLUTD can be caused by many different things. Some of the potential causes are: urinary stones or crystals, infection, tumors, congenital disorders, and idiopathic. By far, the most common cause is idiopathic- meaning lower urinary tract disease for which we can find no cause.
Idiopathic Feline Lower Urinary Tract disease (IFLUTD: also called “FUS” or “Cystitis”)
Idiopathic FLUTD is one of the most common, and sometimes most frustrating, urinary diseases in cats. It is similar to a condition in humans called Interstitial Cystitis. IFLUTD is diagnosed by running tests to rule out other causes of lower urinary tract disease. Urinalysis, urine cultures, and radiography of the bladder are tests that are usually done.
There is no specific treatment for IFLUTD, and many cats recover spontaneously without treatment. Anti-inflammatory medicine is usually dispensed to control swelling and pain in the bladder. Most cases resolve in 5-7 days.
Some cats experience recurrence of IFLUTD. The recurring episodes may become less frequent and less severe over time. Unfortunately, in a small percentage of cats, the symptoms recur frequently and/or last for weeks to months each time.
Male cats with IFLUTD have the potential for becoming “obstructed”. Since their urethra is long and narrow, it can more easily become plugged-up by debris from the bladder. When the urethra gets blocked, the cats cannot urinate and this becomes a life-threatening situation. Signs of urethral blockage are: straining to urinate with no urine coming out, constant licking at the penis, or painful abdomen. If you suspect your cat is blocked, he should see a veterinarian immediately.
Some male cats will become blocked repeatedly. When this happens, an operation called a Perineal Urethrostomy (or PU) can be performed to prevent further blockages.
For those cats that experience recurring episodes of IFLUTD, some changes at home may help prevent recurrences:
- Increase water intake. This can be done by flavoring your cat’s water (add small amount of no-salt chicken broth or tuna juice) or by feeding canned food.
- Feed “free choice” or small, frequent meals. Do not feed free-choice if your cat is overweight.
- Feed a high quality, highly digestible diet. We can recommend one for your cat.
- Decrease stress. Stress may precipitate episodes, so try to keep your cat’s life as routine as possible. See the website for understanding stress in cats.
- Keep an adequate amount of clean litter boxes available at all times.
Chronic Renal Disease
What is “Chronic Renal Disease”?
Chronic renal disease is the most common form of kidney disease in cats. In CRD, your cat’s kidneys have begun to fail, and are no longer able to perform their normal function of removing waste products from the blood. Chronic Renal Insufficiency is chronic renal disease in its early stage. This gradually progresses to Chronic Renal Failure. The term failure does not mean the kidneys have quit working, just that they are functioning very poorly.
There is no cure for chronic renal disease; the kidneys get progressively worse. With medical treatment, though, most cats can live for several more months to years.
What causes Chronic Renal Disease?
There are many causes of CRD. The most common cause in cats is aging. Other causes are infection, stones, cancer and congenital disease. Most of the time the initiating disease process is difficult or impossible to determine.
What signs occur in my cat?
Chronic renal disease usually occurs in older cats. Signs of kidney disease are listed belo
- Weight loss: Cats with kidney disease lose large amounts of protein in their urine. This protein loss, along with a poor appetite, can lead to weight loss. Weight loss is often the first and only sign seen in cats with chronic renal disease.
- Increased thirst and urination: The kidney is an organ of water conservation. When kidneys begin to fail they lose their ability to concentrate urine. This causes your cat to urinate more, which in turn causes him to drink more.
- Lethargy Another function of the kidneys is to remove by-products of protein metabolism (called BUN and creatinine) and certain minerals (phosphorus) from the blood. These by-products build up in the blood if the cat has kidney failure and can cause lethargy. Many CRD cats are also anemic, which contributes to lethargy and weakness.
- Inappetance or vomiting: Again, as the kidneys fail, toxins build up in the bloodstream that can cause your cat to feel nauseous. He or she may just have a poor appetite, or may start vomiting.
How is Chronic Renal Disease diagnosed?
- Blood Test: Evaluation of BUN and creatinine is performed by a blood test. The blood test also gives information about electrolytes and minerals that will help us further evaluate the cat and prescribe treatment. Unfortunately, up to 75% of the kidneys must be malfunctioning before the blood tests can detect kidney disease.
- Urinalysis: The inability to concentrate urine is diagnosed through urinalysis. The urinalysis can also detect infection, blood and loss of protein.
- Additional tests: Some cats with CRD have high blood pressure. Your cat will be tested for hypertension and medication will be prescribed if he or she has elevated blood pressure.
Ultrasound can be used to evaluate the kidneys. This is a non-invasive procedure that may help in determining a prognosis. Ultrasound can also be used to biopsy the kidneys.
What is the treatment for Chronic Renal Disease?
If your cat has renal failure, he or she needs to be hospitalized for treatment for 3-5 days. This treatment consists of giving large quantities of intravenous fluids to “flush out” the kidneys. Fluid therapy includes replacement of various electrolytes, especially potassium. Other important aspects of initial treatment include proper nutrition, antibiotics, and drugs to control vomiting and diarrhea.
There are three possible outcomes to this treatment: 1) the kidneys will resume functioning and continue to function for a few months to years. 2) The kidneys will resume functioning during treatment but fail again as soon as treatment stops. 3) Kidney function will not return. Unfortunately, there are no reliable tests that will predict the outcome.
What if my cat does not need to be hospitalized?
If your cat is not critically ill from CRD, or if she recovers from the hospitalized treatment, home treatment can be started. The goal of home treatment is to keep your cat feeling well and to keep the kidneys functioning as long as possible. This is accomplished with one or more of the following, depending on the individual patient.
- Abundant supply of fresh water: Your cat must have an abundant supply of fresh water available at all times. Do not restrict your cat’s water in an attempt to decrease their urination. This may because your cat to become extremely ill.
- A prescription diet for kidney disease: Prescription diets for kidney disease have been shown to improve the quality of life in affected cats. These diets are restricted in protein, in phosphorus, and are non-acidifying. They also have anti-oxidants and are usually higher in calories than maintenance diets. We carry several brands of dry and canned kidney diets.
- Vitamins: CRD cats lose lots of vitamins in their high volume of urine. Supplementing vitamins helps replenish these.
- Potassium supplement: Many CRD cats lose potassium in their urine. Low potassium levels leads to weakness and a poor appetite.
- Fluids given at home Some cats will need fluids given under the skin (subcutaneously, or “SubQ”). Extra fluids support the kidneys as their function deteriorates. This is done once daily to once weekly, depending on the degree of kidney disease.
- A stomach acid controller: Increase stomach acid is a common side effect of chronic renal disease. This causes stomach ulcers, which lead to inappetance, nausea, and vomiting. The excess stomach acid can be controlled by an oral medication.
- Lactulose: Since CRD leads to dehydration, many cats become constipated. A cat laxative helps relieve this painful condition.
- Epogen: Many CRD cats are anemic. Epogen stimulates red blood cell production, which alleviates the anemia. This treatment is in the form of injections given at the hospital or at home, and is usually reserved for severe cases.
- Other medications include phosphate binder, hypertension medicine, and antibiotics.
What follow-up treatments are required?
Periodic blood tests and a urinalysis are run to measure your cat’s response to treatment and the progression of the kidney disease. These are run every 1 – 6 months, depending on the severity of the disease.
Most importantly, you need to monitor your cat at home. Things to watch for are: appetite, water intake, weight, and signs of illness, such as lethargy, vomiting, or diarrhea.
What is the prognosis for my cat?
The prognosis is quite variable depending on the stage of the disease when it is first diagnosed, the response to the initial stage of treatment, and your cat’s tolerance of the at-home care. Cats handle chronic renal disease fairly well. If they respond to the initial treatment, they typically remain stable for years, with periodic exacerbations that may require fluid therapy either at home or in the hospital.
Heart Disease
What kinds of heart disease do cats get?
Most cats with heart disease have a form of cardiomyopathy, which is a disease of the heart muscle:
Cardio = heart
Myo = muscle
Pathy = disease
In comparison, dogs generally develop problems with their heart valves (e.g. mitral valve insufficiency) or the lining of the heart (endocarditis). People can develop cardiomyopathy, valve disease, endocarditis and other cardiac conditions.
There are four types of cardiomyopathy in cats:
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
- Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Unclassified Cardiomyopathy
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy is by far the most common heart disease diagnosed in cats. In HCM, the heart muscle becomes very thick. The thick muscle causes two problems: 1. the heart does not relax easily, so it cannot accept the entire amount of blood; and 2. the thick muscle is overactive and pumps too quickly. It can also pump irregularly resulting in a cardiac arrhythmia. HCM is generally considered to be hereditary in cats. Certain breeds are prone to HCM. These include Maine Coons, Persians, and Ragdolls. There is a DNA test for HCM now available for Maine Coon cats.
Restrictive Cardiomyopathy (RCM)
Restrictive Cardiomyopathy is being recognized more frequently in cats. This condition results in fibrous (scar) tissue forming in the heart muscle which causes it to be stiff and less flexible. This results in poor pumping ability of the heart. The cause of RCM is unknown in cats.
Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)
Dilated Cardiomyopathy is rare these days. It was diagnosed frequently until the late 1980’s when it was discovered that a deficiency of taurine (an amino acid) in a cat’s diet resulted in this disease. DCM is characterized by very thin walls that pump very weakly. It is almost the opposite of HCM. Since the 1980’s, most commercial cat food produced in the U.S. is adequately supplemented with taurine. We still see DCM sometimes, but it is usually not due to a taurine deficiency.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Unclassified Cardiomyopathy is the term used for heart muscle disease that does not fit into any of the other categories.
Other causes of heart disease in cats are less common and include: congenital abnormalities, infections, valve defects, and cancer.
How do I know if my cat has heart disease?
Heart disease may be suspected if your veterinarian hears a heart murmur or an arrhythmia while examining your cat.
A heart murmur is an abnormal sound made during the heart beat. Blood normally flows in a smooth route through the heart. When the heart is diseased, this causes the blood to flow abnormally, either with turbulence or the wrong way through a heart valve (“leaky valve”), both of which result in a murmur.
An arrhythmia is an irregular beating of the heart. Just like us, cat hearts have a normal, regular beat (i.e. lub-dub, lub-dub). When your veterinarian hears an irregular beating of the heart (e.g. lub-dub-dub, lub-lub-dub), this is called an arrhythmia.
More severe signs of heart disease may be detected at home:
- One sign is breathing rapidly or with difficulty. This is caused by the inability of the heart to pump blood effectively, so that it backs up into the lungs resulting in fluid accumulation in the lungs. This is called congestive heart failure.
- Another sign is paralysis of one or more legs, most commonly the rear legs. This is caused by a blood clot lodging in the main artery to the leg and preventing blood from getting to that limb. This is called aortic thromboembolism.
- Both of these are emergencies and your cat should be seen be a veterinarian as soon as possible.
In some cats, just like in some people, there is no sign of heart disease. The heart sounds normal through the stethoscope and there are no symptoms at home. (In one recent study, 68% of cats with cardiomyopathy did not have a heart murmur.) These cats may die without warning (similar to cardiomyopathy in young human athletes).
Cardiomyopathy is usually diagnosed in middle-aged cats, but can be found in kittens as young as 6 months.
What tests are run to determine the cause?
Heart murmurs and arrhythmias indicate that there is a problem with the heart, but do not indicate the precise problem. Other tests need to be run to determine the specific form of heart disease and determine treatment. These tests include:
- Echocardiogram – an ultrasound of the heart. This test allows us to look inside the heart, see it pumping, monitor the blood flow, evaluate the valves, and measure the thickness of the heart walls. This is the most important test because in almost all cases we can make a diagnosis from the “echo”.
- Chest radiographs – x-rays of the heart and lungs. Radiographs tell us about the size of the heart and whether heart failure is present (fluid in the lungs or chest cavity).
- Electrocardiogram (ECG) – measures the electrical impulses in the heart. This test is used most commonly for cardiac arrhythmias.
- Blood pressure. Some cats with heart disease have hypertension. Hypertension may be the cause of the heart disease or a result of it.
- Blood chemistries and complete blood count. These test for hyperthyroidism (a common cause of heart disease) and for secondary problems from heart disease.
At Cat Care Clinic, we call do all of these tests in our clinic. To help ensure the correct diagnosis and best treatment, we consult with a cardiologist for both the echocardiograms (echo’s) and the electrocardiograms (ECG’s).
What happens if my cat gets heart disease?
Some cats with mild heart disease are stable and live a normal life. Other cats with moderate or severe disease may develop complications from their heart disease. It is difficult and sometimes impossible to predict which cats will develop complications and which will not. The most common complications seen are:
Congestive heart failure (CHF)
Heart failure means the heart has lost the ability to pump blood effectively throughout the body. As a consequence, the veins become over full and fluid leaks out of the veins into other parts of the body. In cats, the excess fluid is usually found in the lungs or floating free in the chest cavity around the lungs. Any form of cardiomyopathy can lead to CHF.
CHF is suspected when your cat has difficulty breathing (rapid breathing, breathing with the mouth open, blue mucous membranes) and it is diagnosed by radiographs (x-rays). Treatment consists of medications to reduce the amount of fluid in the body (diruetics, vasodilators) and sometimes drawing the fluid off of the chest with a needle and syringe.
CHF is a life-threatening condition. Your cat needs to be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible if you suspect your cat has CHF.
A thrombus is a blood clot. When the heart is diseased, blood does not flow freely through it, and slow-flowing blood will form a clot. These clots can then be expelled from the heart as it pumps, and they can lodge in critical arteries, such as arteries to the lungs, kidneys, intestines, legs, or to the heart itself.
A common place for a clot to lodge is at the end of the aorta (the main blood vessel exiting the heart). When this happens, blood flow is blocked to the rear legs and a cat can become paralyzed. This is an excruciatingly painful condition and your cat should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.
A thrombus is difficult to treat, but some cats can recover. However, once a cat develops a clot, they are more likely to get another one even if they are treated.
Although all forms of cardiomyopathy can lead to clot development, cats with more severe heart disease are more prone to clots. An echocardiogram is the best test to see if your cat has heart disease severe enough to lead to clots. Sometimes clots can even be seen inside of the heart with the echo.
Hypertension is high blood pressure. As a complication of heart disease, it is most commonly seen with HCM. Blood pressure in cats is measured using a pediatric blood pressure cuff and a doppler monitor. If left untreated, hypertension in cats can lead to blindness, kidney damage, neurologic damage, and/or worsening of heart disease.
What is the treatment for cardiomyopathy?
There is no cure for cardiomyopathy. Treatment consists of oral medication, most of which is life-long.
The medicine depends of the form of cardiomyopathy. Most medicines used for cat heart disease are actually human heart drugs. The most commonly used medicines are beta-blockers used to slow the heart rate (e.g. Tenormin), calcium channel blockers for relaxing the heart muscle (e.g. Cardizem, Norvasc), ace-inhibitors to ease the effort of pumping (e.g. Vasotec), and diuretics to reduce amount of fluid (e.g. Lasix).
These medicines usually come in pill form, but any of them can be formulated into a liquid if that is easier for your cat to take. Most of these medicines will be life-long.
What is my cat’s prognosis?
Your cat’s prognosis generally depends on the form and severity of his/her heart disease, although in many cases, the progression of heart disease is hard to predict.
- Most cats with mild disease will live a normal life, but in rare instances, they can die suddenly without warning.
- Cats with moderate heart disease are the most difficult to predict. Some can live for years; others will develop complications and die within weeks to months. They can also die without warning.
- Cats with severe disease generally have a poor prognosis. These cats usually don’t live longer than six months after diagnosis.
What should I look for at home?
As an owner of a cat with cardiomyopathy, you should be very sensitive to changes in your cat’s condition and should not hesitate to call our office if you are concerned. We will show you how to monitor your cat’s respiratory (breathing) rate at home because an increased rate may be a sign that a problem is developing. Cats with heart disease do not cough like dogs or people, but often exhibit open-mouth breathing or panting.
Call your veterinarian if you observe any of the following:
- Difficult or rapid breathing
- Collapse
- Paralysis of any leg
- Not eating
What is Hyperthyroidism?
Hyperthyroidism is one of the more common diseases in the senior cat. It is caused by a tumor (which is usually non-cancerous) of the thyroid gland. The enlarged thyroid gland secretes excessive amounts of thyroid hormone. The thyroid hormone regulates the metabolism of your cat’s body, so the elevated levels speed everything up in your cat’s body.
Clinical Signs
The most common clinical sign of hyperthyroidism is weight loss despite an increased appetite. Other signs are increased thirst and urination, vomiting, diarrhea, and hyperactivity.
Hyperthyroidism can also lead to heart disease. Affected cats may have a heart murmur, cardiac arrhythmias, rapid heartbeat or trouble breathing.
Hyperthyroidism is diagnosed by a blood test called “T4”. Cats with hyperthyroidism have elevated T4’s. It is also important to run a blood chemistry panel and urinalysis to evaluate the health of other major organs. Kidney disease in particular may complicate hyperthyroid treatment. Other tests that may be run are chest radiographs and EKG if concurrent heart disease is suspected.
There are four ways to treat hyperthyroidism:
- New! y/d diet made by Science Diet/Hill’s: A therapeutic food has been developed that is low in iodine and has been shown to normalize thyroid levels in hyperthyroid cats. This food is available in dry and canned forms. Your cat will need to eat this food 100% of the time to control hyperthyroidism. Your other normal healthy cats can eat a portion of y/d, but it should not be their complete diet. If your cat has been taking thyroid medication, then she can be started on y/d and weaned off of her meds. Blood tests are run after 3 weeks of consuming the diet and then every 6 months. These tests cost about $100.
- Anti-thyroid medication – Felimazole (oral) / Transdermal medication (methimazole): These medicines work by decreasing the amount of thyroid hormone produced. The hormone levels normalize and your cat will gain her weight back and the other clinical signs will disappear. The medicines are usually given twice daily, and they must be given for the rest of your cat’s life, since they do not cure the disease, but just keep it under control. Possible side affects of the oral Felimazole are vomiting, poor appetite and lethargy. These usually resolve in 1-2 weeks. Other, more severe side effects can be intense itching, liver problems, or bleeding problems, but these are very rare. Transdermal medication (methimazole) has fewer side effects and may be easier to give than felimazole. It also has to be given for the rest of your cat’s life. Both medicines cost about $35-45 per month. In addition periodic blood tests need to be performed to make sure the drug is working and no side effects are occurring. Blood tests are run after 2 weeks of initiating them, and then every 4-6 months, depending on the cat. These tests cost about $100.
- Surgical removal – Thyroidectomy: Surgical removal of the enlarged thyroid gland(s) will cure hyperthyroidism. Cats with concurrent renal disease are not candidates for this surgery. There are also risks associated with surgery, such as increased anesthesia risk, hypocalcemia, and re-growth of the glands. The cost for surgery is around $1200-1400.
- Radiation Therapy: Radiation treatment also cures hyperthyroidism. It is the “Gold Standard” for treatment. Again, cats with kidney disease are not candidates for this treatment. Radiation therapy is done at a referral center. Your cat will stay there for about 4-5 days. The cost is around $1,500 – 2,000.
Curative treatments (surgery and radiation therapy) should be seriously considered in younger cats (less than 15 years old) with hyperthyroidism. “Young” hyperthyroid cats can live for several more years after diagnosis. The cost of anti-thyroid medicine, prescription foods, and blood tests adds up over the years and may be more expensive in the long run than a curative treatment. In addition, some cats given anti-thyroid medicine for several years will develop malignant cancer in their thyroid glands which is very difficult to manage. It is currently unknown if feeding y/d for many years will lead to a malignancy.
Intestinal Parasites
Hookworms are parasites, which get their name from the hook-like mouthparts they use to attach your cat’s intestinal wall. They are only about 1/8” long. Despite their small size, they suck large amounts of blood from the tiny vessels in the intestinal wall. Hookworms can cause severe anemia and even death in young kittens.
As their name implies, these are worms which have round bodies. On average, they are about 3-5 inches long. They live in your cat’s stomach and intestines and consume partially digested food. Roundworms are not as harmful as hookworms, but can cause weakness in adult cats and stunted growth in kittens.
Tapeworms are long, flat, segmented worms that look similar to rice. Tapeworms are relatively harmless, but can cause anal irritation and scooting. Their presence does indicate current or prior flea infestation.
How did my cat get worms?
Most commonly cats acquire intestinal parasites orally – by eating or licking objects contaminated with worms or worm larvae. Since cats are such excellent groomers, they can become infected by licking their paws after walking on contaminated feces (from the litter box or outdoors). Other sources are from the mother’s placenta or milk, or from ingesting infected wildlife (rodents, earthworms, cockroaches, fleas).
How are intestinal parasites diagnosed?
Intestinal parasites are diagnosed by finding worm eggs during a microscopic examination of your cat’s stool. Sometimes only a few eggs are passed into the feces, so examination of more than one stool sample may be necessary to find them. Occasionally, the adult worms can be found in the cat’s stool or vomit. Tapeworm eggs are very rarely seen on microscopic exam; they are usually diagnosed upon visual inspection of the anus or stool.
How are worms treated?
There are several very effective drugs that will kill intestinal worms:
- Oral medication
- Topical medication (new treatment for kittens only – one dose treats all 3 worms!)
- Injection
Hookworms and roundworms need two treatments (unless the topical medication is used). This is because the medicine kills only the adult worms and so it is necessary to treat again in 3 weeks to kill any newly formed adult worms that were in the larval stage at the time of the first treatment
Tapeworms are usually cured with one dose of medication.
As the worms die, they are passed out in the feces, so you may see them in the stool.
Are feline intestinal parasites infectious to people?
Yes! Hookworm larvae can burrow into human skin. This causes itching, commonly called ground itch. Direct contact of human skin to moist, hookworm-infested soil is required.
The roundworm larvae of cats also pose a health risk for humans. Children in particular, are at risk for health problems should they become infected. A variety of organs may be affected as the larvae migrate through the body. In suitable environments the eggs may remain infective to humans (and to pets) for years.
People can get tapeworms if they accidentally ingest a flea.
How can I control worm infection in my cat and prevent human infection?
- All kittens should be treated at least twice and then have a fecal exam to be certain no worms are present.
- Prompt deworming should be given when parasites are detected.
- Keep flea preventative on your cat monthly to prevent tapeworms transmitted by fleas.
- Some of the monthly heartworm preventatives for cats control hookworms and roundworms. Please ask a veterinary staff member which ones would be recommended for your cat.
- Prompt disposal of cat feces should occur, especially in yards and playground. Cover sand boxes when not in use.
- Strict hygiene is important especially for children. Do not allow children to play in potentially contaminated environments.
- Pregnant queens should be dewormed in late pregnancy to reduce potential contamination of the environment for newborn kittens. They should also be treated concurrently with their offspring.
- Cats with predatory habits should have a fecal examination twice yearly. Rodent control is desirable since rodents may serve as a source of roundworm and hookworms infection for cats.
Tooth Resorptive Lesions
What is a FORL?
The letters FORL stand for Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesion. Other names for this disease include Neck Lesions or just Resorptive Lesions. We also sometimes call them “kitty cavities,” although they are not really cavities like humans get. Human cavities are the result of bacterial enzymes and acids digesting the teeth. However, FORLs are the result of the cat’s own body resorbing the teeth.
Why did my cat develop a FORL?
Unfortunately no one knows why FORLs develop. It is an area of ongoing research and we certainly hope to have an answer one day!
Are FORLs painful? My cat doesn’t seem to be in any pain!
Yes! FORLs are extremely painful! They may cause your cat to eat less, use one side of the mouth more frequently, or may even cause jaw chattering (hitting a nerve). Cats are masters at hiding their pain, so you may not see any of these signs at all – they may even continue to chomp away on dry food! However, these lesions are painful and must be treated.
How are FORLs diagnosed and treated?
We can often identify FORLs during our physical exam when we look inside the mouth. However, we also often diagnose FORLs during a dental cleaning, based on probing of the teeth and x-rays. By the time most FORLs are detected it is too late to save the tooth and the only option is extraction. Even if an early-stage FORL were detected and had a “filling” placed, it would eventually need extraction anyway.
What happens if we leave the FORL alone?
In addition to continued pain, bacteria in the mouth can invade the pulp chamber and an abscess can develop. An abscess (tooth infection) can lead to other infections in the body, such as on the heart valves.
How can we prevent future FORLs from occurring?
Keeping your cat’s teeth clean with as-needed dental cleanings and “home-care” (such as brushing his/her teeth and/or using other plaque reducing products) is the best way to promote good dental health, although there are no specific ways to prevent FORLs completely.
What is involved in a “Dental Cleaning” at Cat Care Clinic?
After running pre-anesthetic bloodwork, your cat will be anesthetized and his/her teeth will be cleaned similar to your experience at the dentist (removal of tartar, followed by polishing). Next, full-mouth x-rays will be taken so that your veterinarian can see what’s happening below the gum line and look for other diseased areas. She will then exam all the teeth and decide on a treatment plan. If extractions are required, your veterinarian will perform them. In addition to local anesthetic blocks in the mouth, your cat will receive multiple other pain medications, including medicine to go home.