[ Client Resources ] Grooming Consent Form Grooming Consent Form Owner's Name * Owner's Name First Name First Name Last Name Last Name Patient's Name * General Grooming Grooming Services (select all that apply) Nail Trim $22.50 Bath/Nail trim $37.00-50.00 Furminator $25.00 Trim Toe Fur $13.50 Chin Shave $13.50 Brush-out $33.00 Belly-Shave $30.00 De-Mat $22.00-$69.50 Sani-cut $32.00 Add Sedation $175.50 Lioncut Choose from the following. Please note that we cannot accommodate special grooming requests. Lioncut - $145.00 (Includes shaving, bath, and nail trim) Lioncut with Sedation - $235.50 (Includes exam, shaving, bath, and nail trim) **Cats 10 years and older must have had bloodwork within the past year. Add $99.75** My cat needs bloodwork done Tail I would like the tail untouched I would like the tail to have a poof FLEAS! – If your cat has fleas or other parasites they will be treated at your expense. *** PLEASE NOTE *** Geriatric, heavily matted, and wiggly cats are more susceptible to minor nicks from the clippers. Nipples and moles are also prone to scrapes and scratches. These are unfortunate incidences, and we try our best to avoid them, but they do sometimes occur. Signature * signature keyboard Clear Email * Phone # for Today Alt. Phone # May we text you? Yes No Sedation Consent PRE-ANESTHETIC EXAM AND BLOOD TESTING There is always a risk associated with anesthesia, regardless of the procedure to be performed. Most, but not all of these risk factors can be determined by a complete physical examination and pre-anesthetic blood testing. We further reduce these risks by using only top quality anesthetic agents, continuous human and electronic monitoring and the use of IV fluids when appropriate. SEDATED PROCEDURES At a minimum, a mini pre-aesthetic blood panel (cost of $80) is required to have been performed on cats 10 years and older within the last year. Ultimately the doctor may decide that a more extensive blood panel is required. ANESTHETIC COST: Each anesthetic procedure is designed specifically for your individual cat. The procedures and the agents used vary considerably depending on several variables including the age and medical history of your cat, and on the length and type of procedure being performed. AUTHORIZATION: BY SIGNING BELOW, YOU ARE VERIFYING THAT: I am the owner or agent for the owner of the above-described cat. I understand that during the performance of the ensuing procedures(s), unforeseen conditions may be revealed that necessitate an extension of the ensuing procedure(s) or different procedure(s) than those set forth above; therefore, I hereby authorize the performance of such procedure(s) as are necessary in the exercise of the veterinarian’s professional judgment. Signature * signature keyboard Clear Date * Captcha Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.